A letter from Bishop Dr. Lathan & Pastor Kelli Wood
In a complete act of faith, we relocated from Atlanta to Charlotte in 2012—only a month after our youngest son was born—to start The Movement Centre. Since then, God has shown Himself in phenomenal ways on behalf of this church and His people.
We are grateful for the covering of Bishop Kent Branch at Arise Church (formerly Pilgrim Cathedral of Atlanta), who launched us into ministry—and for many partners and mentors along the way.
Since Movement's first "Activation Celebration" (what we call our anniversary service), we've felt the Lord's hand guiding, pruning, nudging, and comforting. He's made it clear—our calling is to help raise up, equip, and send a body of believers activated by God's love and purpose for them. We certainly don't take the assignment lightly.
Whether you know God or you're just trying to figure it all out, we would be honored to help lead and guide you into spiritual maturity.
From men's and women's groups to a creative youth ministry and outreach efforts meant to "be the blessing"—Movement has much to offer. We hope you'll visit and find out what God may have for you here.
Our Beliefs
The Bible
The Movement follows and teaches from the Holy Bible and believes it is the infallible Word of God.
The Trinity
We believe in one God existing in three persons - The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, sent to redeem us from our sins (John 3:16), and that through belief in Him alone, we gain salvation (John 14:6).
Baptism & Communion
Walking with Jesus is the best decision you’ll ever make; and it’s a walk you don’t have to do alone. We believe that baptism is an inward sign of an outward change.
We believe that after salvation, we are "born again," saved by the amazing grace of God, and empowered by the Holy Spirit living in us to carry out God's plan. We view Romans 10:9-10 as the first step to salvation when confession and belief come from a genuine heart desiring to be saved.
The Holy Spirit
We believe there should be evidence of our belief in Christ, demonstrated through the use of various spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) and the fruit of these gifts due to God's work in our lives. We believe the Holy Spirit enters a person when he/she decides to give one's life to Christ. From that point, as we continually ask, the Holy Spirit leads, guides, and helps.
We believe in continual repentance and turning away from our sins, for we all fall short but are renewed in Christ whose blood covers our transgressions.
We believe in the biblical standard for marriage; that it is between one man and one woman. We oppose gay marriage and the social acceptance of homosexuality and same-sex relationships. We don't, however, see this as freedom to hate or mistreat others. As with any sin—love, grace and mercy are necessary companions, all while teaching biblical truth and pointing people to the only One who can free us from sin.